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The youngest one was Lina Medina in Peru who was 5 and got a c-section.

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Q: What is the youngest mother to give birth?
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Who is the youngest person to give birth to a child?

The youngest person to give birth is Lina Medina.

What is world record of minor mother?

The youngest mother on record is Lina Medina, who gave birth in Peru in 1939 at the age of 5 years and 7 months.

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a woman in Italy gave birth at 68 through invitrilization in 2008

What is the youngest age a human has given birth?

The youngest age a human has ever given birth is 5 years old. Lina Medina from Peru gave birth to a baby boy in 1939. She was the youngest confirmed mother in medical history.

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Youngest female to give birth ever?

The youngest with credible documentation was Lina Medina who was 4 years old when she became pregnant and 5 years old when she gave birth. Doctors felt it unsafe for her to give birth naturally at 5 years old so they performed a Caesarean section. The youngest well documented case of natural birth was a 6 year old Ukrainian girl named Lina.

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the mother will find a safe den and wait to give birth

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The Mother will give birth to babies with Blood Type O,

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Does the mother Platypus lay eggs or does she give birth to live young?

The mother platypus lays eggs.She does not give birth to the young.Perry The Platopuss was born from a egg.