According to, the youngest is Nigeria: 11 years old.
The countries with the next youngest are Philippines and Angola at 12 years old.
A further breakdown in country count:
There are countries that have not specified an age of consent, but they must be married. Those countries include:
Without parental consent, the youngest age you can get a tatoo is 18.
in the us 18
The majority of the US has 16 as the age of consent. There is no lower age. A few states have set it at 17 or even 18.
Legally the age of consent in your country or state. Illegally you can be any age.
The age limit In Scotland Is 16 you can get married at Gretna Green, This is without parent consent, But if you are getting married in England the youngest age without parent consent is 18. Hope this helped. So England Is 18, Scotland Is 16 But only At Gretna Green
18 years old
I think about 12
Bahrain, where the age of consent is 21.
No one under 18 can marry without parental consent in Indiana.
15 with parental consent, 18 without.
The age of consent in Vatican City is 18. However, couples married as per Catholic law may have sex. Catholic law stipulate that the youngest a female can get married is at age 14, and males at age 16.