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Sulfurdioxide! same effect but could cause brain hemorage

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Q: What is the yellow tabs that are like ecstasy?
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What do ecstasy pills taste like?

Depends really. When you get an awesome tab (ecstasy) it taste like complete crap. You can tell you you get a good tab by the taste. The nastier it taste the better the roll will be. But either way all tabs (ecstasy) taste completely nasty.

Do ecstasy pills have names on them?

no, but all tablets have little symbols pressed into them, kinda like the brand. i always buy the tabs with the batman symbol on it.

What is the difference between molly and tabs of ecstasy?

Molly is a crystalline powder form of MDMA, while tabs of ecstasy typically contain MDMA pressed into a pill form with other substances. Molly is more pure and can be snorted or dissolved in a drink, while tabs of ecstasy are usually swallowed. Both can produce similar effects but vary in potency and purity.

What are yellow transformer ecstasy made out of?

their metal and yellow painted

What are other drugs related to Ecstasy?

there are no known drugs that are somewhat like Ecstasy!

What are the abuses of ecstasy?

The abuses of ecstasy are un-prescibed related like at drug oarties and clubs.

Is the blue ecstasy pill stronger than the yellow one?

You are an absolute moron. Ecstasy comes in many different colours and prints, it is just to signify who they are made by. Go kill yourself your ignorant retard.

What is in Amphetamine?

Stimulants. It's like ecstasy.

What is in a yellow Superman ecstasy pill?

What ecstasy pill makes you horny?

red ferarris. or yellow omegas

Which element of the ribbon look like folder tabs and provides commands that are task oriented?


What is the fine for having ecstasy?

In B.C, Canada every extacy tab over 3 of them counts as a charge on man slater so if you have 10 tabs that's 7 counts of man slater