The Browning BDA was introduced in the year 1978.If your serial number is 425,then it was made during the first year of production.
It should be listed in the owner's manual.
de que ano es la browning bda 380 425 nm15253 76.962
Impossible to answer without a serial number.
The Standard Sporting Clays 425 was made from 1995-2001
value $450 to $500 in south Georgia market. gun no longer produced since 1997.
They were introduced in 1995.
1995 - 2001
Between 275-425 dollars.
The Citori began producton in 1973, Contact Browning customer service for more information on your gun. The 425 has a reputation as one of the best guns made.
Info available on Browning's site.
the browning BDA is currently valued at between 225-450 dollars for a gun with a blued finish and original finish ranging from 60%-95%.If the gun has a finish of nickel then the price range is 250-495 dollars.
0 500 USD