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Photo-bombing it.

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Q: What is the word for intentionally messing up a picture?
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What is picture of oblation in up?

old and young woman

What do you call the picture where a scary picture pops up?

Usually people would call it a scary-pop up but sometimes its just reguarly called a demon face.

What is the Standard placement of a picture?

There is no one standard placement for a picture. The placement will depend on the type and size of the picture, and the relative position of the person looking at the picture. The general answer, is hang the picture so that the focal point of the picture is at eye level of the observer. In practice, this means, for example, if you have a large picture to put on a wall in a sitting room, where it will mostly be viewed by people sitting down, than hang the picture fairly low so that people don't have to look up to view the picture. It is a common mistake to hang pictures in sitting rooms at eye level of standing people (or even higher!). On the other hand, if a picture is to be located so that it is viewed by people standing, for example in a hallway, or in an art gallery, then hang the picture at eye level, again so that people don't have to look up or down to view the picture. Another factor which will influence the placement of a picture is whether the picture is to hang by itself or to relate to other pictures - there are a whole extra set of guidelines to be followed when hanging pictures together!

Can you see a picture of the statute of liberty?

yes Go on google and go on images and look up "statue of liberty"

Where do you find the picture of rita hallowell and usher Nancy drew warning at wavernly academy?

In the cellar behind the bricks that make up a cat arching it's back.

Related questions

Is the word regiment able to be used in a sentence that states your messing up my regiment?

Kind of. It would be "You are messing up my regiment," or "You're messing up my regiment." That is only if you are referring to a regiment as in a unit of the army. If you are talking about someone messing up your system/habit/way of doing things, then it would be "You are messing up my regimen" (No T).

What is a good sentence with word intentionally?

She intentionally tore up the paper. He intentionally pushed the child so it would fall in the pool.

What does the word back you up in a fight mean?

It means to help your vato after he's messing up and getting knocked out ese.

What is another word for messing things up with a friend?

loser. never mess things up with are so stupid. get a life you worthless poo

How do you draw a picture of the word condescend?

You can draw a picture of the world condescend in any way that you'd like to. This is completely up to you and your perception of the word.

Who is messing up the America?

YOUR MOM(and obama)

What two words make up the word pixel?

Picture Element

How do you open an iPhone 3G with out messing it up?

be careful

What does Mariah Carey fear?

messing up in singing

How are people helping zebras?

by not messing up there habitats

What are some puns about messing up?

Punny you mention that.

What does the term batting a thousand mean when you say it to a person having a bad day?

it means that, that person has been messing up left and right or that they have been messing up a lot