A prat is a slang word for an incompetent person - origin uncertain
Parrot fish do not get pregnant so there is nothing to do.
When you hold the fish it will say what kind its status(which will say pregnant) and age
have sex with a fish and get it pregnant
Although there are fish that live birth, goldfish are egg laying fish, and as such, they do not get pregnant.
nothing![although, dont let the other fish eat the pregnant one]
Fish actually can not get pregnant. The female fish drops her unfertalized eggs in the water and a male fish swims past and fertilizes them.
guppies stay pregnant for about a month before giving birth, other fish take longer, and others lay eggs (don't get pregnant). depends on the fish
I am not aware of any "schooling" or "shoaling" fish that is not an egg layer. This would imply that these species of fish do not get pregnant.
Dreaming of fish means someone is pregnant
the fish will have dots