lasting only a while.
lasting only a while.
Lasting only a while Lasting only a while Lasting only a while
the word contabilidad means accounting :)
Drawings Account is a Temporary Account
It came from the Latin word "Jour" w/c means "Daily".
Impermanent, or temporary, or transitory.
一會兒 means temporary.
means tooth past
Temporary? Impermanent?
The word "interim" does not have a standard prefix or suffix. It is a standalone word that means temporary or in the meantime.
This is likely the word abeyance, which means temporary suspension, disuse, or lack of ownership.
Estar is a Spanish verb that means "to be" (as in to be located, or to have a temporary state). It is used to express temporary conditions, feelings, emotions, locations, and actions.
A word meaning lasting and not temporary is "permanent."
The word pandal / pantal (Tamil) means temporary shed used for public meetings or during marriages and other functions.