Bring it to the attention of the seller.
Beer is not typically found in a wine bottle. If beer is in a wine bottle, it may be due to a mistake in packaging or labeling.
To remove old beer sediment from a bottle, gently pour the beer into a glass, leaving the sediment behind in the bottle. Avoid shaking the bottle to prevent the sediment from mixing back into the beer.
I can speculate on a number of reasons: The bumps are added after washing for reuse so they know how many times a bottle has been reused.
Yes, beer can be bottled in growlers.
A standard bottle of beer is typically 330 milliliters or 12 ounces.
Colored bottle blocks the light. The light effects the yeast making skunky beer.
A beer bottle.
A tornado's width is measured at bottom, usually by the width of the damage path.
pee in the bottle and drink hmmm... nice beer
The duration of The Bottom of the Bottle is 1.47 hours.
One bottle of beer is equal to two slices of brown bread.