900 lbs
Yes, because the average weight of a 5'7'' adult male is 133-163 lbs.
Women: 19-30 yrs, 5 ft 4 in, 126 lbs.
The average weight of an adult male femur bone is approximately 1.67 lbs (0.75 kg).
My adult male rat is 640g
how much does a reindeer weigh
200 lbs
The average weight of an American adult is around 180-200 pounds for males and 150-170 pounds for females. These numbers can vary based on factors such as age, height, and body composition.
300 lbs.
On average, the weight of an adult male's genitals is around 0.22 lbs or 100 grams. However, individual variances are common and this weight can fluctuate.
An adult male Clumber Spaniel is about 18-20" and its weight is about 70-85 lbs. The growth will slow down as it grows old. One can get more information at Dog Time, Puppy Find and many more.
The weight of a grown male can vary significantly depending on several factors such as height, body composition, and muscle mass. On average, a healthy weight range for an adult male is typically between 130-200 lbs.