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Q: What is the valve of a 357 sw model 19 new condition?
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What is the value of a 357 magnum Smith Wesson model 65 in new condition?

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What is the value of a 357 magnum smith and Wesson model 19 in new condition?


What is the Value of Smith and Wesson 357 Trooper in new condition?

No such model in the S&W line.

What is the value of a smith and Wesson 357 magnum model 686-3 in like new condition?

100-450 or so

What is the value of a Smith and Wesson 357 magnum model 68 in like new condition?

Around 300 dollars, depending on the buyer.

What is a fair price on a used chrome plated 357 Desert Eagle?

$500 for fair condition, $1100 for a new-in-box model XIX.

What is the value rugerblack hawk .357 magnum serial number 36-37075 new model?

For the "standard" NEW Model (with transfer bar safety) Blackhawk in .357 Mag, current retail values range from around $200 in fair condition to around $480 in Excellent condition. If New In Box - $500 to $550. Be advised that there are a couple variations that can bring more value.

How much does a 357 magnum revolver cost?

The cost of a 357 magnum revolver depends on many factors, it's condition, whether it's new or used, and what model it is. You can find them from 350 dollars upwards.

What is the value of a 357 smith and Wesson model 19 this gun si 95 percent of new?

since you didn't give the condition of the 357 there are variables the easiest way to really find out is go on and search for it

What is Value of 357 rugar new model blackhawk no32-90444 6in barrel exelent bluing?

bought this revolver today seems to be in great condition

What is value of a smith and Wesson 357 mag model 19 2.5inch barrel nickel never been fired and brand new condition?

300-500 USD or so