

Best Answer

$100 to over $1500, depending on specifics.

Some of the things which will affect value:

  • Overall condition
  • Whether your "Model 98" is the long (and more uncommon) Gewehr 98 or the short Karabiner 98.
  • Whether, in the case of the Kar. 98, it's a pre-war or wartime production model
  • Markings. A lot of the Soviet capture rifles were imported into the US by CAI and others, and have had the markings scrubbed, which negatively impacts value.
  • Whether or not parts are matching.
  • Whether or not it's a rifle which has been 'duffel cut'
  • Which arsenal produced it
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Q: What is the value on a model 98 Mauser rifle?
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Are the Mauser 98 and 1903A3 actions the same?

The Model 1903A3 rifle is base upon the Mauser 98 action but they are not exactly the same.

How much is a model 98 8MM mauser worth?

Depends heavily on the condition and originality of the rifle. Anywhere from $150-$500.

How easy is converting the bolt on a browning Belgian safari grade 30-06 to a mauser 98?

Are you sure that you would want to do this?A Browning safari rifle is quite collectable and the value of this model is still going up quite fast.There are so many excess model 98 mauser bolts on the market that I would just go that route than convert a Browning bolt.The Browning Safari model is a Mauser model 98 design with the bolt safety converted to a side mounted style instead of the wing design of the military model 98 rifles.while this is a easy conversion,I for one would not do it.

What was the first bolt action rifle?

Mauser M 98

What kind of rifle do i have markings gew 98 1917 on top?

Mauser 98 from WW I.

What is the value of a model 98 Mauser rifle?

Anywhere from $50 to several thousand dollars. There are many variations of the gun and condition varies. Please see the related question below for more helpful information.

Where was the German Mauser model 98 1944 made?

The rifle was made in occupied Hungary. It should have a two piece stock. They are quite rare.

How is a German Mauser 98-29 different from other Mauser's?

All mausers are different because of the different models that were made for different nations. The Mauser Model 98-29 was manufactured in Czechoslovakia for the Persian Army. Based upon their requests, the rifle is longer than most and would be about the length of a Gewehr 98 in World War I.

Value of German mauser mod 98 bcd 41?

Depends on the state the rifle is in and where it was obtained. Please contact me at to discuss it.

Mauser 98 training rifle in 22 cal?

Requires professional appraisal

What weapons were standard issue for the Mexican Army in 1935?

Based on a single source* the Model 1912 7mm Mauser, very similar to the German Rifle Model 98 was a standard issue for the Mexican Army in 1935. Mexico adopted the 7mm Mauser Model 93, in 1895, a similar rifle to the Spanish 7mm Mauser Model 1993. During the period of 1910-1920 many difference rifles were obtained, including the Japanese Tpe 38 rifle. In 1936, a Mauser of Mexican design was adopted. The design was a 7mm Model 1936 designed from the Model 98 Mauser with an external "cocking" mechanism like a Springfield Model 1903A1. *Ezell, E. C.(1977). Small Arms of the World. 11th Revised Edition, Stackpole Books, Harrisburg, PA 419-420 pp.