Remington did not make the Model 4 in 30/06. Value as a shooter if cleared by a gunsmith as safe. 100-300 USD
about $400 if in good condition
100-400 USD
$350 Down south
Browning did not make the Model 11, Remington did. If you have a Remington Model 11 in 16ga, value is between $150-$450.
The value of a Remington model 600 .222 caliber depends on the condition of the gun. One in excellent condition is worth approximately $500, as of 2014.
$ 375
The value of a 1969 Remington 22 long rifle is determined by the condition of the gun. This model in excellent condition sells for around 300.00 as of 2014.
It all depends what kind of condition it is in.
It all depends on condition, box, manual, accessories, etc.. Range 175-400
350-550 USD
$20,000.00 So the real answer is, in excellent condition it's a $300 gun drop's a bit quickly from there on condition.