Need the serial number to begin. Value depends upon condition, point of sale, any additional equipment like chokes, original paperwork and box. Get these and check on a used guns for sale site to compare.
100-1000 usd
100-1000 and up depending on specifics
No such serial number used in the Citori line.
100-800 usd
In order to answer your question I would need to know if your shotgun is a auto-5,browning pump shotgun(BPS) or a over-under(CItori or superposed)to give you a accurate answer?
100- multiple thousands depending on specifics.
price value of browning shotgun serial number 35354
What is the value of a 12 gauge Browning shotgun serial J68824?
wondering price value of browning shotgun serial number 35354
50-1500 usd
Basically impossible to value with just the model description.