I have a 12 gauge pump weatherby patrician and I had it looked at today and mine is in good condition....any where from 250 to 400....just depends on the condition i guess...mine was 350
50-1000 USD or more depending on specifics
Not much; do not buy. I have one and I wish I never got it
i paid 250 20 years ago
100-500 USD
whats the value of a 12 gauge double barrel revelation
What is the value of a 12 gauge Browning shotgun serial J68824?
The value of a 12 gauge featherlight shotgun is $800.00 bucks canadian.
what is the value of a Beretta A L2-12 gauge Model#d39063 worth?
The value of a Simmons Royal double-barrel 12 gauge shotgun varies by its condition.
What is the value of a 12 gauge double barrel shotgun made in 1970?
Basically impossible to value a weapon with just the gauge and sn.