50-500 usd
100-300 USD
100-500 USD or so
No such model in the Ruger line.Agreed. RG does not stand for Ruger, it stands for Röhm Gesellschaft. These were very inexpensive firearms of generally low quality made in West Germany during the 1950-1960s. Value depends on condition, but is generally in the $20-$40 range.
100-340 or so
It depends on who made it and what condition it is in. If it's a Hi-Point carbine, they are on the lower-end for value and price even though they are known to be reliable. It might be worth $200 U.S. Dollars. But a Beretta or Ruger .40 caliber carbine might be worth $500 or so.
40-300 USD or so
100-400 USD or so depending on specifics
10-200 USD or so
$350-$500, depending on condition.
Used, maybe $200 tops.