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Q: What is the value of model 57 smith and wesson 41 magnum revolver?
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The value of a Smith and Wesson Model 51 22 Magnum Revolver would actually depend on a number of factors. Some of these factors would include the age and condition of the Revolver.

What was the revolver used in the movie Punisher War Zone?

There were a few different ones used, including:Smith & Wesson Model 500 (.500 S&W Magnum). Both long and short barreled models were used - Castle's was the long barreled model, heavily modified.Smith & Wesson Model 640 (.357 Magnum). This is the snub nosed revolver carried by Budianski.Smith & Wesson Model 19 (.357 Magnum)Smith & Wesson Model 686 (.357 Magnum)Smith & Wesson Model 442 Centennial (.357 Magnum)Revolver of an unidentified type, used by the mugger who held up Detective Soap

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Smith and Wesson model 29-3 revolver?

44 Magnum, 100-1000 USD depending on specifics

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What is the latest model smith and Wesson revolver chambered for 32 or 32 magnum?

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Is a Smith Wesson Model 66-1 357 magnum with Serial 98K8450 considered a K Frame revolver?

Yes, a model 66 is a K frame revolver.

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