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10-100 USD or so

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Q: What is the value of crescent firearms 410?
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a 410 ga. shotgun pistol was made by crescent firearms and is very rare. however, regular shotguns do not have much value

What is value for crescent firearms shotgu 410 side by side?

How old is it an what condition is it in?

What is value Crescent Firearms 410 with hammer serial 4098?

50-125 USD

What is the value of a 410 Crescent Firearms Quail hammerless double in fair to good condition?

50-125 USD

Where can one get a stock for a 410 Crescent Firearms double barrel shotgun?


What is the value of crescent shotguns?

What is the Model, Serial Number and date of the Crescent Firearms shotgun which you want a value on?

What is the age of crescent firearms hammerless 410 double barrel shotgun sr 14546?

70-100 years

Would like to know the value of Crescent Firearms 410 exposed hammer with 15 Empire Ejector Serial 739233?

if its a single shot, then 75-150, a double barrel possibly 300

Where do you find information on a Crescent Empire Ejector 410 break over sn711 435?

Crescent made inexpensive "working" firearms 70-100 yrs ago

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Quial hammerless by crescent firearms co norwich conn it is a 410 gauge ther are no other markings on the gun can anyone tell you if it has a value or other info on this piece?

it is not a gun of value.......I would guess at $100 to $200 depending on condition

What is the value of a Crescent Davis 410 shotgun?

Seldom exceeds 100 USD