Value is too difficult to be accurate without seeing the gun. Condition which includes the amount of original finish and original configuration will determine value. Recommend taking it to a gun shop for appraisal.
50-700 usd
50-1000 usd
50-600 usd
100-500 usd
AFAIK, Browning didn't make any rifles in that caliber.
As this was not a very popular caliber,there were few made.The browning safari rifle in this caliber will range in price from 975-1,375 dollars,for a example that displays between 60%-90% of its original finish,and a good bore.The fancy scroll work was a common feature od the base model Browning Safari bolt action rifle.
50-2000 usd
There is no way of knowing without you providing the Model of Browning rifle that you own,its caliber,and a good description of your rifles overall condition.
That is not a valid Browning model designation.
500-1000 usd
100-1000 usd