400-900 dollars,depending on the condition of your rifle,and that your rifle is in its original condition.
What condition is it in. That determines the value.
The springfield mark one 1903 you have was produced in 1919.The mark one was different from the standard 1903,due to the fact that it was altered for the pederson device.A slot was milled into the left side of the receiver to act as a ejection port for use of the semi-auto bolt insert.The value That I am giving is based on the rifle not having the device.850 dollars for a rifle with 60% original finish,up to 2,000 dollars for a pristine rifle with 90% original finish left.
your Winchester model 1890 which was produced in 1921.the value is 250 dollars for one with 10% original finish remaining to 1,000 dollars for one with 85% of the original finish remaining.If your rifle is in caliber 22LR.(made from 1919-1932 which started at serial number 610,000) you could add another 50% to the above listed value,s.
Your Rock Island made springfield model 1903 rifle will bring between 650-900 dollars,depending on the amount of original finish left on the rifle and stock.The original cartouches on the stock are important also.Your rifle which was made in 1919 has the updated heat treatment which began with serial number 285,507.Your rifle also has the updated nickel steel barrel which began at serial number 319,921.If your rifle is showing 60-70% of its original finish and has a good bore then you should expect in the neighborhood of 800-900 dollars,maybe be higher if the right bidder comes along.
made 1919
Manufactured in 1919. The Blue Book of Gun Values says "seldom encountered in over 90% original condition". Value in 70-80% is listed as $500-$600.
vlue of a 1919 wheat back penny
Your serial number indicates that your Springfield model 1903 rifle was made in the year 1919.
In average circulated condition....... 1919................$3-$10 1919 D............$7-$35 1919 S............$4-$35
The value of a 1919 penny will vary depending on the condition of the coin. In poor condition, the value is .35 cents. In perfect condition, the value is $35.00.