I have an 1834 Springfield mussel loader shot gun and would like to know the value of it, and am willing to sell it.
what is the value of a 1834 $10 bill
whats the value of 1834 one cent in very good shape
Needs appraisal at a music store
The exact value of a Bill of Sale for a slave in 1834 would actually be dependent upon a number of factors. Most importantly, the condition of the document.
Your 1834 five Cent coin is called a 'HalfDime' it is .900 silver and its value dependent upon details and condition, anywhere from a couple dollars to thousands.
that depends on overall condition and maker...................
Most show heavy wear and have a value of $50.00-$90.00
A denomination is needed, post new question.
$28 to $45,000 depending upon the variety and the condition of the coin.
1834 bust-type halves are about average in scarcity for that design.As of 6/2012Very worn: $40Moderately worn: $65Nearly new: $275DanUser:WorkingMan
Post new question, the first nickel was struck in 1866.
I also have one of thes ten dollar notes no. g 646 1834. Have you found any additional information on its value? jean