Not enough information to make a wild guess. Westernfield was the trade name used by Montgomery Wards. At least 5 different companies made rifles for them. You did not mention a model number of caliber.
value of 1968 20 gauge bolt action westerfield
What is the value of a Remington 700 bolt action 270ml rifle?
The Garand rifle is a semiauto, not a bolt action. Do you have a Model 1903A3 bolt action? A Model 1917 bolt action?
Your rifle which was made by Mossberg and is there model 800B will bring between 100-275 dollars,depending on overall condition and a good bore.
70 $
150 USD
what is the value of a FFV HUSQVARNA.SWEDEN 308.CAL RIFLE
10-130 usd
100-400 or so