I have seen them as low as $80 and as high as $250. Although I think the latter is stupid money.
about £300 it depends on the quality of the rifle
I just took one to my friend who ownes a gun shop. His research indicated that a used one in fairly good condition is worth approx. $70.00-80.00. Bruce
In like-new, unfired condition, around $1.600- $1,700. Any commemorative firearm drops sharply in value if used. That rifle is the Weatherby Mark V.
That Mark was not made until 1942. They are worth $150-$300, depending on condition.
Does anyone know the value of a used winchester 72A Rifle?
75-150 or so
I've no idea, but I'd happily buy it for an absolute fortune.
What is the value of a Buffalo Bill Rifle never used and still in original box? Also, a John Wayne Rifle in original package.
this will cost you a lot, take notice, it costs somewhere around 500,000,000,000 in yen.
50-200 or so
I can get them from 150.00 to 250.00