Around $200-$250 in very good condition. While they are, in my opinion, excellent rifles, the advent of the #209 primed bolt action muzzle loaders has diminished their popularity.
200-400 USD
50-300 USD or so
Most of the value will depend on the overall condition that the firearm is in. There are also variances of value by region and demand where the firearm is located. As a working figure if your Renegade in in good or better condition it should be worth about $175-$250.
Value will depend on the exact model, Interest in the traditional style muzzle loaders seems to have dropped in favor of the in-line 209 primed rifles. Figure about $250-300. I have a TC Renegade in .50 cal- great shooting rifles.
If you mean the Thompson Center muzzle loading rifle, contact TC customer service through their webiste at tcarms.
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The value of a Titan handgun 32 cal is $159.99.
The value of a Thompson 50 cal muzzel loader K7846 is about $400.
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10 USD