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50-100 USD

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Q: What is the value of a tanarmi derringer model TA 38?
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What is the value of a Derringer over under 38 special serial number XYD10593?

Impossible to answer without knowing the model and who made it.

What is the value of a double barrel 38 EIG derringer?


What is the value of a Derringer 38 Special?

That depends entirely on what it is. Who made it and what is its condition?

What is the value of a TA 38 Derringer pistol?

35-90 USD

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Can you tell me the value of a derringer ex-cam ta 38 cal 38 special with plastic handles ser.?


When was Derringer Model D 38 serial number 022861 made?

No published sn data

What is the value of this Derringer ex-cam ta 38 L21349?

25-75 US dollars

What is the value of an Italy EIG Derringer in 38 cal with the serial number 6807?

35-100 USD or so

What is price of 38 ultra lighweight derringer?

Depends on the exact MAKE and MODEL, but typically anywhere from $150-$225 or so.

When was Derringer 38 Special serial number 022861 made?

We need a make of derringer.