Could be anywhere from $300 to upwards of $1500, depending on condition, whether or not the parts match, etc.
Yes, so long as it isn't an m5a1 and is the 1905 model you should be fine.
100-1000 USD depending on condition, accessoires.
50-600 or so
Remington Firearms Company during WW2
If truely unfired and not an arsenal rebuild, it would probably sell for $1500.00, however if the serial number fell into the range of rifles that were designated as sniper weapons, value would exceed $7500.00
That is a Springfield rifle I believe.
None of the 03A3's are antigues
line up the target on the top of the front sight while sighting the front sight through the rear peep sight. has a detailed, step by step process. Look for the links on the left side of the page under the Maintenance heading.
Hi there ~ I was looking for the same instruction manual, and I found this website: It appears to sell manuals for a lot of different/vintage typewriters, including the smith corona portable sterling. (I'm assuming you are refering to the 1938 - 1949 model) Look for the Clipper/Stering manual if this is the age of your machine.