100-1000 depending on exactly what you have, condition, box, accessories, papers, etc..
i see them on auction for around $500 all the time
75-1000 USD depending on EXACTLY what you have.
50-350 USD or so
The Blackhawk was not made in 22 LR. If you have one with "Blackhawk" on the frame, you need to call Ruger. There is an almost astronomical chance that you could have a factory experimental, but, I doubt it. More likely you have a Single Six of some type or maybe a Bear Cat. Any of the 22 revolvers can range from 50-400 depending on specifics.
100-1000 USD or more depending on EXACTLY what you have.
The Ruger Blackhawk serial 35-46503 is?æa 357 Magnum Revolver. It was most likely manufactured in 1961. More information on the gun with that?æparticular serial number can be provided by the manufacturer.
100-1000 USD depending on specifics
50-500 USD depending on EXACTLY what you have and condition.
ABOUT $200-$300, depending on condition, and WHICH version of the Blackhawk.
what model of revover and condition also age or serial number will help
About $500.
75-400 or so