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Q: What is the value of a richland arms 20 gauge shotgun?
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What is the value of a richland arms model 825 shotgun?

Garner Auctioneers lists a Richland model 825 O/u 12 gauge s/n 11252 sold for $825

What is the value of a Richland Arms Co 20 gauge San Marco model 747 over and under shotgun?

in very good condition with straight stock $900 to $1000.

What is the value of a Richland Arms model 810-10 Shotgun?

@100 USD depending on condition

Where can you find the value of a richland arms over and under shotgun?

Check the on line auction sites.

What is the value of continental arms company 20 gauge shotgun?

The value of a Continental Arms company 20 gauge shotgun is dependent upon a number of factors. The age and condition of the shotgun would need to be considered when determining the value.

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Age and value of 12 gauge shotgun?

I have a Continental Arms Co. 12 gauge shotgun that is probably about 70 years old that belonged to my grandfather. Any ideas of value and where do I go to sell it?

What is an Empire State arms 12 gauge shotgun worth?

The value of an Empire State Arms 12 gauge shotgun depends on its condition. As of September 20141 this gun sells at auction for around 30 dollars.

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What is the value of a crescent arms 410 gauge side by side shotgun?

50-200 USD

What is the value of a Diamond arms 12 gauge shotgun number 4569?

50-100 USD

What is the value of a Springfield J Stevens arms 20 gauge shotgun number on barrel is 94B?

The Springfield J Stevens arms 20 gauge shotgun, barrel number 94B is valued at $175 in top condition. Fair condition value is $75.