This will range between 500-1,200 dollars,depending on your rifles overall condition and a good bore.
your Winchester model 70 pre-64 featherweight was produced in 1961.
Your winchester model 70 featherweight,pre-64 rifle was made in 1956.
If the gun is Pre-64 then it is worth $4,000 - $5,000.
Your Winchester model 70 featherweight was made by Winchester in 1955.The value of pre-64 featherweight,s are ranging between 800-1200 dollars if the wood stock is in original condition with varnish and checkering in good shape and the metal blueing remaining in 90% coverage on the metal.
A pre-64 Winchester model 70 feather weight rifle will bring between 800-1,100 dollars,depending on the overall original condition of your rifle,and a good bore.
About $650 depending on manufacture date. If it is pre '64 you got a gem worth 3 times that
A pre-64 Winchester model 70 feather weight rifle will bring between 800-1,100 dollars,depending on the overall original condition of your rifle,and a good bore.
pre or post 64 will effect value, also condition. from a few hundred to a few thousand. Should have someone appraise it.
actually your Winchester model 70 featherweight was made in 1961.I have seen pre-64 featherweights going for 900-1475 dollars on gun depending on the overall condition of the wood and metal and amount of original finish remaining on the gun.
The last model 70 in 1963 was #581471. 1964 started with #700000.
The current value of a pre-64 Winchester model 70 featherweight chambered in .358 running between 1,250-2,500 dollars for a rifle exhibiting between 60%-90% of its original finish on both the wood and metal,and a good bore.Some collectors would probably pay more depending on the individual and how bad he wants this rifle for his or her collection.
The pre-64 winchester model 70 featherweight rifles are currently valued at between 425 dollars for a rifle with 60% original finish remaining up to 1,000 dollars for a fine example with 90%original finish remaining.You could also add 20% to the above stated values if your rifle has a aluminum butt plate.