My grandson is interested in buying my 16 ga. Nobel pump shotgun , I have had it for 50 years so is hard to know what they are worth , it is in perfect condition and has been well taken care of , but I quit hunting a few years ago because it was hard for me to walk as I have emphsyma , would appreciate a idea, Thank You
50-150 dollars is the going price for a Noble shotgun.
pump gun how old is it
Between 90-150 dollars.
What is the value Stevens firearms 1907 20 gauge pump shotgun? What is the value Stevens firearms 1907 20 gauge pump shotgun?
50-150 USD
310 revelation 20 gauge
The value of a Springfield 20 gauge pump shotgun would actually depend on a number of factors. Some of these factors would be the age and the condition of the shotgun.
50-200 or so
145 dollars