Impossible to answer without a DETAILED description of ALL markings.
depending on overall condition $150 - $200
Navy Arms was an importer. It was most likely made it Italy
50-50000 depending on EXACTLY what you have.
100-300 dollars
Impossible to date it without knowing who made it and a detailed description of all markings.
50-475 usd
Recently sold mine for $125 and a 50 rounds of 38 special. it was in excellent condition.
If your Navy Arms rifle is the lever action Yellowboy (reproduction of the Winchester 1866) they list for $400-500, depending on condition. The carbine version has a slightly lower value.
50-300 USD or so
50-300 usd
check out gun sites on line. look up the 45 1911 pistol and compare condition and prices to your pistol