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Depending on condition. Between $120-200

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Q: What is the value of a mossberg 500c country squire?
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What is the value of a Mossberg 500C 20guage Regal Shotgun?

I'm not familiar with the Regal designation, but I just bought a 13 year old Mossberg 500C, 20 guage pump, with vent rib and accu-choke(modified tube installed), for $150. It looks like it was never fired.

What is a mossberg 20ga model 500c pump shotgun worth?

100-300 USD depending on condition.

Who makes a revelation r310c western auto 20 gauge?

Your revelation R310C western auto shotgun is a Mossberg model 500C which was made by Mossberg and Sons for Western Auto.

Where can you get a new wooden stock and forehand for your mossberg 500c 20 gauge shotgun?

What is a mossberg 20 ga 500c pump limted edition shotgun 1 of 3500 ten annivesary?

if it is a rare gun ,300-900 uds

Where can you find parts for a 20 gauge Western Field Model M550CD pump shotgun?

You can get your parts from mossberg . The mossberg model 500C is the same gun. You will need to call to order the parts.You also may find the parts you need at Thay Cary most of the parts for this shotgun.Some parts you can only get from mossberg

When was your Mossberg shotgun manufactured?

Your question can't be answered as written. What Model? What are ALL the markings? What gauge? How long is the barrel? What type of finish? Mossberg 500C, 20 gauge, 26" accu-choke, serial number K064007, checkered wood stock, blued barrel, vented rib barrel.

Where can you get information about a Western Auto Supply Co Revelation 310C 20 gauge shotgun?

You can get parts and information at the following web site: The Revelation 310C is the same as the Mossberg 500C.

What is the arabic value of mmdcxxvii?

2627mm = 2000d = 500c = 100xx= 20v= 5ii= 2mmdcxxvii:= 2000 + 500 + 100 + 20 + 5 + 2= 2627

What is the fahrenheit temperature for 500c?

500ºC = 932.0ºF

Value difference between mossberg 500 and mossberg 500a?

There is no difference. A 500 is a basic Mossy 500 receiver shotgun. Unless the gauge is stated, it's assumed it's a 12. The 500A is simply stating it as a "12 gauge" 500 in its name. The Mossy 500A is a 12 gauge model 500, the 500B is a 16 gauge model 500, the 500C is a 20 gauge etc. There was no 28 gauge so there is no 500D, contrary to many sources, so the next one was the .410 called the 500E. A 12 gauge model 500 and a 500A are the same gun.

What is the difference between a Mossberg 500 and 500A?

The model 500 Mossberg is a particular style introduced in 1961 by O.F.Mossberg & Sons. It has undergone many style changes over the years, but 500A, B, C, or D are not style changes. A model 500A is the 12 gauge version of the model 500. 500B is 16 gauge. 500C is 20 gauge and 500D is .410 (which is actually a caliber rather than a gauge.