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Good ay,

There is more info needed to valuate any rifle. What year was it made? What condition is the rifle in? Is there a box and paperwork with it? Etc., etc.

I'd be happy to help you find out.



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Q: What is the value of a model 70 FW 257 Roberts?
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What is the value of a Winchester Model 70 push feed featherweight super grade in 257 Roberts?

50-500 usd

What is the value of a Winchester model 70 featherweight 257 Roberts which is NIB?

About $650 depending on manufacture date. If it is pre '64 you got a gem worth 3 times that

What year mfg Winchester 257 serial 138003?

If you are reffering to a Winchester model 70 bolt action rifle chambered in 257 roberts,then your serial number indicates that your model 70 rifle was made in the year 1950.

Which rifles fired a 257 Roberts?

Quite a few different ones. Some of the more notorious ones were war souvenir Japanese Arisaka rifles, which had been converted to fire the .257 Roberts, as the Japanese ammunition was a bit scarce on the commercial market. I know the Ruger rifles were made available in .257 Roberts, including the Mk. II and M77, as were the Winchester Model 70, Browning Model 81, and Remington 700. Sako made custom rifles in that calibre, as well.

What is the value of model 70 made after 1964?

Most of these rifles will range in price from 375-475 dollars depending on overall condition,and a good bore.There will be a premium if the rifle is chambered in a more unusual caliber(257 roberts,7mm Mauser etc.)

What is the value of a winchster 70 xtr 257 Roberts featherweight When was it made if serial number is G16184542?

100-1000 USD depending on specifics. Try proofhouse for the sn.

What is the value of a Winchester Model 70 257 Roberts Post War Serial Number 9263?

Actually your Winchester model 70 bolt action rifle was made in the year 1937,which makes it a pre-war model 70.This was the first year Winchester ramped up production and made 9334 model 70 rifles.A pre-war model 70 rifle in .257 Roberts will bring between 775-1,850 dollars for a rifle showing between 60%-90% of it,s original finish,and a receiver that has not been drilled and tapped for a scope mount.If by chance that you have a super grade model 70 you can add 100% to the above listed values.All pre-war model 70 rifles should have only 2 holes drilled in the front of the receiver(none in the back) A extra set of holes will decrease the value by 50%.If your serial number has a Letter D suffix indicating a doubled up serial number;this variation will command a premium because of it,s rarity.

Did Winchester make a Model 70 rifle in 257 Weatherby Magnum?

Based on an exhaustive Google search, I don't believe so. They did make a .257 Roberts, at least in 1942, and it is rare. Sometimes these were reamed out later by gunsmiths to .257 Weatherby Magnum, and the barrel markings may or may not have been changed.

What is the weight for a 1985 70 HP evinrude?

The dry weight of the 1985 model, 70 hp Evinrude outboard is 257 lbs.

What is the value Remington model 70?

Winchester makes the Model 70

Is a Winchester model 70 257 Roberts a short or long action?

It is a long action that has limiting spacers included. The magazine has a spacer at the rear and the bolt has a different bolt stop that prevents the bolt from moving to the full long action length. So I have been told.

What is the value of a 1958 Winchester model 70 rifle?

1958 model 70 Winchester 3006 good condition