

Best Answer

200-2000 USD depending on EXACTLY what you have.

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Q: What is the value of a model 41 sw pistol?
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100- 1000 usd

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The Model 57 is a 41 Magnum.

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50-500 usd

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Did SW make a 380 pistol model 3914?

The 3914 was made in 9mm

When was your sw model 41 22 caliber pistol serial number 111712 manufactured?

Call S&W and they will tell you when it left the factory. It could have been made a week to a year before.

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what is the value of a s&w model 49

What is the value of a used mod 29 sw pistol?

100-500 USD

What is the value of a SW model 41?

Depends on condition, box, manual, accessories, sn, barrel length, etc.. Price range of 400-900

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