The Hammerli was made between 1964-1979, 15.9 in, 2.4 lbs. It won the German National in 1965, 66 and 67. Please state the condition of the pistol so an estimate of value can be give. Is it working, Is it in excellent, very good, good fair or poor condition.
There is very little information on the P1 model. So I suggest you contact UmarexUSA and ask them. They currently handle Hammerli and may be able to answer you. I do know that Hammerli had a fire in 1977 and destroyed the factory along with records. See the link below for Umarex.
Please state the model and the condition of the pistol to get an estimate of value.
From an interview that Nestruev gave:Going into the standard pistol a little bit, since you have shot so many Feinwerkbau air pistols, Do you shoot the AW 93 as opposed to the IZH 35 (the Russian made gun that he the FWB is a copy of)?The sports pistol, you mean the FWB pistol as a small bore pistol? I have the original pistol from Russia, same as the FWB. It is a very good pistol and this pistol does a lot for the shooter. It's easy to shoot the pistol FWB or the Russian that's the same and I also was testing of course Walther pistols and all of them are good pistols, but they really don't compare or, compete with the last Hammerli pistol. I think that's also a good pistol. A very good pistol. For the standard pistol discipline I am the holder of the Russian record with the Hammerli (SP20).
What is the current condition of the pistol. That determines the value.
This pistol was made between 1935-41. Please state the condition of the pistol to get and estimate of value.
which Model are you asking about
What condition is this pistol in? The condition determines the value.
Blue book of airguns list this, air pistol, as originally made by" Anschutz: 8.3/4 ounces" for Hy-Score. It is a toy like pistol and gives no value.
between $475 and $600
I assume you are asking about the Crosman model 36 Frontier. If this is the right pistol then please state the condition of the pistol to get an estimate of value. Is it in Poor, Fair, Good, Vary Good or Excellent condition?