Franchi falconet 12 Gauge shotgun Generally go between $600 and $800.
There are several versions of the Falconet, but eliminating those that were only available in 12 gauge, one with a silvered frame and two with case hardened frames, only one remains. The Falconet Field grade was manufactured from 1968 to 1975. Value in 60% is $360 and in 100% it is $550 according to the Blue Book.
50-500 usd
The exact value of a Franchi Aristocrat shotgun is actually dependent upon a number of factors. Some of these factors would include the age and condition of the shotgun.
Franchi made the Wildflower shotgun
100-300 USD
100-2000 USD hey
50-500 usd
50-500 usd
It is worth $75 to $135 depending on condition.
If it shoots, $75-$450 depending on condition.
Around 375 for excellent condition.