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Despite the name, it is not a machine gun. Value seldom exceeds 100 USD

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Q: What is the value of a excelsior machine gun shotgun?
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How old is an Excelsior Machine Gun Shotgun serial 36755 made in Belgium?

First, it is not a machine gun, regardless of how it is marked. Second, most likely made around the turn of the century.

What is the value of a spenser machine gun shotgun?

50-150 or so

Value of a dubble barrel rogers machine gun model 1901?

75-150 USD depending on condition. It is not a machine gun, it is a shotgun.

Excelsior super 88 20 gage shot gun left to me by father could you tell me anything about it?

Working shotgun. Value seldom exceeds 100 USD or so.

Is there any information on Columbia machine gun double barrel?

It is not a machine gun. It is a shotgun. Most likely made at the turn of the century. Value not worth in excess of 100 USD.

What is the value of 1904 model rodgers machine gun?

Despite the marking, you have a shotgun. Not worth more than 150 USD if that.

What is better a shotgun or a machine- gun?

define better.

What is the value of an Excelsior 10ga double barrel shot gun?

Not more than 100-125 USD.

Is an AK47 a machine gun or a shotgun?

Neither. It is an assault rifle.

Which one is stronger a machine gun or a shotgun?

It's the shotgun. All though a machine gun can shoot multiple times, shotguns tend to have a more powerful and faster shot than a machine gun. Don't believe it? Go to youtube and type in "shotguns in action." Then go and type in "machine guns" in action. Compare the two. The shotgun should win.

How much is a 1883 HS brown machine gun worth?

This is not a fully automatic "machine gun". This is an antique double barrel shotgun. They have little collector value. Because of their age they should be shot, if at all, with special ammo appropriate to the metallurgy of the era. Value in excellent condition is about $400.

What is the value of a 12 gauge maverick shotgun?

The value of a 12-guage Maverick Shotgun can vary greatly based on the age of the gun, as well as the condition of the gun.