In order to give you an answer it is necessary for you to give a description of the rifle. is it still working? Rate it as poor, fair, good, very good, or excellent. Then it is easier to give you an estimate of value.
Or you can go up on the "Daisy" website and click on Daisy "Museum," at the bottom of the Daisy Museum page you will find "Do you want to know more about your old Daisy"
Open it and follow the instructions.
The Daisy model 225 was made by Milbro of Scotland for Daisy between 1971-1974
This model was made by Milbro of Scotland from 1971 to 1974 for Daisy. The current condition determines the value. What condition is it in? Without more information, it is not possible to answer you.
This is a Daisy model 25. Without knowing the condition of the rifle it is not possible to give an estimate of value.
About $225 used.
The Daisy Model 300 was made between 1968 - 75. Please state the current condition of the rifle to get an estimate of value?
Daisy has made over a hundred different models sense it started in 1898. which model are you asking about? You will also need to state the condition of the airgun for an estimate of value.
Daisy made several models that year. What model are you asking about?
75-225 USD
50- 225 usd