If you are looking for an estimate of value here is a suggestion. First you will need to give a description of the pistol. Is it in Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good or Excellent condition. Is the pistol still working? Also it helps if you place the question in the "Air gun and Air rifle" Category so it can be found and answered. This question is in an Uncategorized category and may never be answered.
The current condition of the pistol will determine its estimated value.
The Crosman model 150 was made between 1954-1967. It is a .22 cal pellet pistol.
Crosman offer a free service to locate shops that repair older Crosman air guns. see the link below
This .22 cal pistol was made between 1966-83 in two variations. In Excellent condition (Like new) it is worth around $150. It is styled after the Ruger .22 firearm.
Crosman has made several model .22 Caliber pistols. Please state the model number. The condition of the gun and is it still working?
50-150 or so
Crosman never made a .22 cal BB rifle. They made several .22 Cal Pellet rifles over the years. Several are still in production.
Need more information as to the model. Crosman made several .22 cal pistols.
Between $125 - $165
50-150 or so
It would be worth between $80 - $100 in good condition.
$65 to $80. See the link below for the owners manual