i seen prices from 495 u.s. to 2500 u.s. it depends on condition of firearm.i hope this helps
Proofhouse.com has Colt sn data.
DA 38 Seril # Army 138 501
if you are referring to the model 1911 Colt pistol with serial number 444810, then it was made by Colt in 1918........................
Go to proofhouse.com. Possibly a new army & navy model .41 made about 1901.
your colt single action army was made in 1901.
price depends on overall condition
there are different model colts. what is your model, caliber and overall condition. serial number would help...............
0-500 usd
100 to multiple thousands depending on specifics.
All my reference,s indicate that the model 1905 colt was chambered for the 45 cal. Please check your model number again,Could it be a new army model?.
value depends on overall condition. fair, good, excellent, like new...............
No such Colt model