What is the value of an automatic colt caliber 38 rimless smokeless patented apr.20,1897. sept.9,1902 colt's pt. f. a. mfg. co. hartford,ct. u.s.a. 45731 ?
doesnt have price invaluable
100-1000 USD
value depends on condition good condition
value depends on overall condition............................
Check out the auction sites - Gun Broker, Auction Arms, Guns America to see what prices are being asked. As to history of the 38ACP, have you done a web search?
Can't be answered without knowing who made it.
$100 and up, depending on condition,markings,and history.
A few hundred to donate to a museum type money for tax write off. Depends on condition, provenance, accessories, box, papers, etc..
50-500 usd
This semi-automatic pistol was taken off a German soldier during WWII.
Please state the model and the condition of the pistol to get an estimate of value.