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0-1000 USD + depending on specifics.

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Q: What is the value of a colt 1911 serial number 434465?
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check pistol aagain. serial number appears to high for the 1911 military

What is the value of a Colt 1911 serial number 510234?

100-10000 USD

Where can I find information on a serial number of a colt 1911?

what is the serial number for the 1911 ?????????

What is value of a Colt 45 1911 with no serial number?

if your 1911 frame does not show a serial number then someone removed it and in so doing made the frame illegal. ATF regs require firearms to have serial number and if that serial # was removed the frame is the considered illegal to posses. however, the parts are NOT illegal and may be used to build another 1911 using another frame.

What is the value of a Remington rand 1911 serial number 1977234?

100-1000 USD depending on specifics

What is the value of colt 1911 commander serial number 70BS82085?

100-1000 USD depending on specifics

What is the value of 1911 colt 45 serial number 109611?

100-1000 USD+ depending on specifics.

What year was a Springfield Armory 1911-A1 with the serial number NM99024 manufactured?

your 1911 serial number indicates your 1911 was made by Colt in 1914

What is the value of a colt 25 serial number 25297?

colt model 1908 hammerless, 25 cal. serial # 25297 made about 1911................

What is the age and value of a M1911 A1 US army 45 caliber pistol serial?

age of the military 1911 is based on serial number................

What is the value of colt 45 1911 with serial number of 283790?

value depends on overall condition. it was made in help

What is the value of a 1911 Winchester model 90-22 wrf serial 683476?

That serial number dates to @ 1925. Value range 100-700. You didn't describe the condition.