In computers, a bit is a single 1 or 0. It's a contraction of "Binary Digit". In money, historically a bit was an eighth of a gold dollar. One way of making change was to cut the gold dollar up into eight wedges, each then worth 12.5 cents. That's why a quarter is called "two bits".
To calculate the decimal value of a bit string: Number the bits from right to left 0 - n. Starting with a decimal value of 0, add 2^(Number of that digit) for each 1 you see in your bit string. The sum is the decimal equivalent to the binary number.
1.157920892 x 1077 (rounded)
You need to know what the value is. If the number is 67 and a bit then 67.3 If the number is 673 millionths, then 0.000673
Yes. The derivation is a bit hard to do on here, but it can be found in Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach by McQuarrie and Simon.
In a byte MSB is the bit that represents value 2^7, LSB is the bit that represents value 2^0.
x -> 0 y -> 1
In C: result = value & ~0xFFDF
one bit, holding a value 1 or 0.
bit width is the sizelength of the register which is assigned a value
bit signal - original intended bit value that was sentdirty bit - corrupted incorrect bit value modified by noise eventsThe dirty bit may or may not match the bit signal originally sent, it may have been modified more than once by different noise events.
A pH value 6,71 is a bit under neutral.
tenths bit
In a 16 bit number there must be from zero to 16 '1'. If a bit does not have value zero then it has a value of 1. Nothing else can be represented by a bit. Example 0000 is a 4 bit number. Each bit is a zero. 1010 is also a four bit number. 0000111100001111 is a 16 bit number. 1100110011000001 is also a 16 bit number.
I guess it would be the LSB, the bit that represent value 20=1
A bit is a binary digit, taking a value of either 0 or 1