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The Bersa 383a is no longer in production and parts are very hard to find. A value depends on what shape the weapon is in and if it needs repair. The 383a are made of steel, very reliable and much tougher than the newer Bersa Thunder model. Min value on a working pistol is 300 dollars. depends on how much someone is will to pay for it.

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Camila Kling

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Q: What is the value of a bersa 383 A?
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What is the value of a bersa 383-A?

The Bersa 383a is no longer in production and parts are very hard to find. A value depends on what shape the weapon is in and if it needs repair. The 383a are made of steel, very reliable and much tougher than the newer Bersa Thunder model. Min value on a working pistol is 300 dollars. depends on how much someone is will to pay for it.

What is a bersa 383-a worth?

Condition is a BIG factor. But a good looking 383-a without any problems could go for $200--$400 (as of Feb 2015). A collector might pay a lot more if you have the model he's looking for.

Where can you get an owners manual for a bersa thunder 9mm pistol?

If you contact the Bersa company, they will send you one, or you may also check the Bersa website.

What is the value of a Bersa 380 pistol?

50-175 USD or soIt very much depends on age.

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390 - 7 = 383

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Taurus millennium pro T145 3rd Gen vs Bersa Thunder Pro 45 UC Which is more reliable and a better value I hear that Taurus has improved their firearms lately and I want the opinion of actual owners?

The Bersa will cost less. Both are reliable. The Tarus will have more resale value, all else being equal.

What is the value of a bersa thunder 380 pistol?

50-180 USD or so Whoever posted this value might want to recheck. They got for around $300 new, and remember guns do not depreciate in value!