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Since a new utility grade single shot only costs about $80, they bring $50-$75 second-hand.

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Q: What is the value of a bay state shotgun?
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What is the value of a 16 gauge Bay State shotgun?

50-100 or so

What is the value of Bay State 12 gauge shotgun?

50-100 USD

Where to find the value bay state 16 gauge shotgun?

Value seldom exceeds 100 USD

What is the value of a Bay State Worcester Mass shotgun?

The value of a Bay State Worcester Mass shotgun can vary depending on factors such as its age, condition, rarity, and historical significance. Bay State shotguns were produced by the H.D. Folsom Arms Company in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. To determine the specific value of a Bay State Worcester Mass shotgun, it is recommended to consult with a firearms appraiser or specialist in antique firearms.

What is the value of a Bay State 410 single shot shotgun in good shape?

$75 - $125, depending on condition.

What is value of 1873 bay state arms 12gauge shotgun worcester mass.?

Depends on if your grandfather gave it to you after your first hunting trip with him or not. Priceless if he did.

What length shell does your bay state 410 shoot?

The Bay State .410 shotgun fires a .410 gauge shell, the smallest of shotgun shells. The shell itself is around 3 inches in length.

Where can you find information about an Bay State 16 ga shotgun ser100325?

An inexpensive shotgun made by Harrington and Richardson in the late 19th or early 20th centruy. . Value 25-150. Best thing to do is hang it on a wall.

How about the 12 gauge bay state single shot shotgun?

50-100 USD

What year was a Bay State 12 gauge single shot shotgun manufactured in Worcester Mass model A781 and what would be the value?

70-100 years old. 50-100 USD

What company made bay state shotgun serial A539973?

The Bay State line of economy-priced shotguns was produced by none other than .....Harrington and Richardson, in the early 20th century.

Where can you get a forend stock for an old Bay State 20 gauge single barrel shotgun?
