The Winchester model63 super x rifles value is between 1200 dollars and 2900 dollars. It depends on the condition of the rifle.
what is the value of a Winchester rifle 85?
Winchester made the model 1873 rifle and the model 1876 rifle,but did not make a model 1875 rifle.
What is the value of a Model 62 Winchester .22 rifle with serial 21072
No such rifle made by Winchester.
The value of a Winchester model 330 rifle would be dependent upon a couple different factors. The main factor would be the condition of the rifle.
What rifle model are you asking about?
What is the year and value of a 30-30 Winchester model 94AE rifle serial # 649534
What is the value of a Winchester Centinnial 30-30 Rifle Model '66 With hex barrel and gold plated chamber What is the value of a Winchester Centinnial 30-30 Rifle Model '66 With hex barrel and gold plated chamber
What rifle model are you asking about?
The Winchester model 425 was made for Winchester by "Meyer & Grammelspacher" of Germany. The value is determined by the condition of the rifle. without any information about the condition of the pellet rifle, no estimate of value can be determined.