These rifles were made from 1924 through 1932 and only about 21,000 of them were made. In excellent condition they value around $2000. In good condition with some wear and bluing loss they value around $750.
ho much is a model 55 nickel steel barrel Winchester 32 special worth today?
These inexpensive Winchester shotguns are selling for between 55-140 dollars.
with no more information that that; 100-1000 USD.
your model 55 Winchester was made in 1925.
your Winchester model 55 was produced in 1926.
Your Winchester Model 55 was manufactured in December of 1926.
The Winchester 55 .22 caliber was not serialized.
95-140 dollars.
Your winchester model 55 was assigned a serial number in the model 1894 production range.This was not that uncommon.The year of production of your model 55 was 1928.
100-500 USD
The Winchester model 840 was made in Canada until 1980.The value ranges in price from 55-95 dollars.
The value of your Model 55 can only be determined by a visual inspection & evaluation. There are several unknown factors that can affect the potential collector value. Bert H.