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Around $380 in fair condition. But, this can change a lot.

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Q: What is the value of a Winchester model 12?
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Do a google search for "Winchester Model 12".

What is the age and value of a 12 gauge JC Higgins Winchester Model 12 serial 613xxx?

The Winchester Model 12 was never sold under the JC Higgins name.

What is the age and value of a Winchester Model 12 serial 1477472?


What is the value of a Winchester model 12 in 410 gauge?

Around 1500.00

What is the value of a Winchester model 12 Featherweight shotgun serial 1837029F?

The value of a Winchester model 12 Featherweight shotgun is dependent upon a number of factors. The most import being the condition of the shotgun.

What is the value of a Winchester model 12 in 16 gauge?

Assuming that you have a standard grade winchester model 12 shotgun without a cutts compensator,and it is in good(80%) original condition? The value would be 375 dollars.

What is the age and value of a 12 gauge Winchester model 12 pump shotgun serial 1276842 in fine condition?

your model 12 Winchester pump shotgun was made in 1951 as to value in fine condition I have seen them from 550.00 dollars and up.

What is the value of a Winchester model 12 12 gauge serial 1124314?

100-1000 USD

What is the value of a winchester model 12 -12ga shotgun sn 265347?

With the serial number that you have supplied,your Winchester model 12 pump action shotgun was made in the year 1921.

What is the value of a model 97 Winchester 12 gauge shotgun?

A million dollars. ;)

What is the value of a Winchester 12 gauge model 1200 shotgun?

200 dollars

What is a Winchester Model 1200 12 ga shotgun value from about 1974?
