No way of saying without a detailed description of your rifles amount of original finish remaining,type of barrel,any other special order features present,and the serial number to age your rifle.All these items have a bearing on the value of your Winchester.
How old is a Winchester model 1892 s/n L31711 and what is its approx. value ?
your Winchester model 1892 was made by Winchester in 1896.
your Winchester model 1892 was made in 1905.
your Winchester model 1892 was made in 1912.
your winchester model 1892 was made by winchester in 1899.
your Winchester model 1892 serial#206143 was made in 1902.
With the serial number that you supplied,your Winchester model 1892 rifle was made in the year 1893.
With the serial number that you provided,your Winchester model 1892 rifle was made in the year 1917.
your Winchester model 1892 was made in 1893.
With the serial number that you provided,your Winchester model 1892 lever action rifle was produced in the year 1903.
With the serial number that you supplied,your Winchester model 1892 rifle was made in the year 1905.