As little as $300 to as much as several thousand. Condition, originality, and any special order features can mean HUGE differences in value.
Your fine winchester model 1894 rifle was made by winchester in 1902.
Your Winchester model 1894 was produced in 1902.
It was made in 1961
Made in 1949
Made in 1910
50-400 usd
What is the value of my Winchester 94
With the serial number that you supplied,your Winchester model 94 was made in either 1971,or 1972.
What is the value of my Winchester 94
See the related question >>>>
value of Winchester 94Your Winchester was made in 1952. There was 90200 94s made that year. Value depends on several things such as condition, options, and caliber. Without knowing what they are it is hard to put a value on your rifle.