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That depends on the amount of original finish remaining on your Winchester model 9422 lever action .22cal rifle.I have seen these selling for between 200-450 dollars.

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Q: What is the value of a Winchester 9422 xtr with original box?
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Depending on condition, box, accessories, finish, etc. somewhere in the 800-1200 range

What is the value of a Winchester model 9422 rifle serial number 241537 in new unfired condition?

I must say that the Winchester model 9422 rifles are starting to show there collectible status out in the gun world.I would say that a unfired(new in the box)condition model 9422 will bring between 500-650 dollars in today,s gun market.

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The value of your oliver Winchester that was made in 1980 is going for 750 dollars if new and never fired in the original box.

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The value of your Winchester model 61 could be considerable,I would have your rifle examined by a member of the Winchester collectors establish the proper value.

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Your winchester model 9422 special edition traditional tribute rifle is currently valued at 575 dollars,if new in the box condition(never fired) and has the box and hang tags.

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your oliver Winchester comm. is going for 750 dollars if new and unfired in its original box.

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Your rifle if it is unfired(new in the box) with the original box will bring 675 dollars.

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500-1000 USD

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Assuming you meant a model 94,not 84.The value is 695 dollars if never fired and with the original box.

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$1000- $2000 depending on model and barrel length

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would like to start with the year of manufacture.Your serial number indicates that your Winchester model 9422M was made in the year 1979.The value of your rifle in the condition that you describe would be in the neighborhood of 775.00 dollars.

What is value of Winchester lonestar matched set in original box unfired?

Each will bring 695 dollars in the condition that you have described.